Advice for Employers
Non-Competition and Other Employment Agreements: Both Washington and Oregon law include specific requirements for employers who wish to impose non-competition requirements on any employee after they leave employment. Employers need careful advice on the formation, advisability and enforcement of contract clauses restricting competition.
Separation and Severance Agreements: For employers, it is vital when separation payments are offered that the employee give a valid release in exchange for the payment. To accomplish this, employers must comply with the law and not overreach, which could cause an attack on the agreement after the fact. This is particularly so for employees who have raised issues of harassment or discrimination of any kind, and for employes older than 40 years old.
Executive Employment Agreements: I am also available to consult with employers on individual employment agreements. When necessary, we can involve your tax advisors as well, to avoid any unexpected tax consequences of incentive ownership grants. Services in this area can include contract review and/or active negotiations on your behalf.
Employment Law Advice: In this time, Employers need practical, direct advice on employment law issues that arise. There are so many ways for employers to make mistakes that can be costly if a claim results. It is critical to take patient and wise steps to manage employee conduct, performance, discipline or termination. In this way, my employer clients can avoid or limit liability. Disability, absence management , handing discipline and termination decisions are all areas in which I will provide advice.